The movie 'Raat Akeli Hai' features which of these actors playing the role of inspector Jatil Yadav?
The movie 'Raat Akeli Hai' features which of these actors playing the role of inspector Jatil Yadav?
Jaideep Ahlawat
Neeraj Kabi
Abhishek Banerjee
Nawazuddin Siddiqui
Q.2 Bathynomus raksasa is the name of the 14 legged sea cockroach recently discovered by researchers in which ocean?
Pacific Ocean
Indian Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Arctic Ocean
Q3. The third unit of the Kakrapar Atomic Power Project (KAPP-3) recently achieved its 'first criticality'. Which Indian state is it in?
Uttar Pradesh
Q4. Which smartphone recently became the first ever phone in the world to be launched via an Augmented Reality event?
iPhone 12
One Plus Nord
Samsung s20+
Motorola Razr
Q5. Lalji Tandon, who recently passed away at 85, was the presiding governor of which state?
Tamil Nadu
West Bengal
Madhya Pradesh
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